Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phones: Convenience vs. Distractions and Health Risks"


Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phones: Convenience vs. Distractions and Health Risks"

Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phones: Convenience vs. Distractions and Health Risks"

Write a paragraph in about 150 words on the following topics : 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phone 

Ans. Mobile phones are one of the most advanced. convenient and time saving technology 

that is being used by almost everyone all over the globe. Because of its various features, it is called a smartphone. Like every technological device. It has rts advantages and disadvantages. 

Mobiles are the largest invention of technology. It is being used all over the world. This medium for communicating with people has become a lot easier. There are both advantages and disadvantages regarding the use of mobile phone. 

Due to mobile phones. nowadays any information can be sent either orally or written fast, which was impossible in the old days. As there is no wire, it can be carried anywhere. Students can immediately contact their parents in case of any emergency. It has proven its importance to call security forces or an ambulance within no time. Nowadays everything is being done online, one can effortlessly do almost everything with a single touch. Online banking and online shopping have become very easy with mobiles. 

But on the other side, there are disadvantages too. Social media related notifications, texts and money can be transferred within seconds. It distracts people while driving. The health problems due to the massive use of mobile phones are increasing day by day. Using too much mobile damages our eyes. It can be concluded that the benefits of mobile phones are numerous, if used in a proper manner

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